Welcome To save me budget !
Hi I’m samir life . I am the founder of savemebudget.com.  I hold a bachelor’s degree in economics and management and I have a BTS in international trade and I am studying financial planning In addition, I have 6 years of professional experience in communication.
I created the blog to inspire and motivate people to take charge of their personal finances and achieve financial independence. I publish articles on personal finance, retirement planning, investing, financial independence, and more.
I WAS BORN IN RABAT IN MOROCCO, I obtained a bachelor’s degree in science economics and management in Omar El Khayame in Rabat and I had a bts in international trade and since 2012 I have done several certification training on e-commerce, trading etc. ..
I was a seller on ebay and etsy I sell items in 2015 after I created my shop site with my friends until corona vaccun we stopped working for financial reasons , I was a seller on ebay and etsy I sell items in 2015 after I created my site shop with my friends until corona vaccun we stopped working for financial reasons .
Now I work in a communications company and I am currently studying personal finance and planning because there is a big problem with the concept of money and in school or university we do not teach how to manage, spend money